Zanupf political violence against opposition

?? Political violence " Mukore uno muchikuambanira zvimapolitician zvenyu. Scarfmore supporter and most likely a God is in it supporter in...

Obvious News : Mnangagwa appoints coup and business ally as Vice President

Chiwenga's appointment as VP Not Breaking News but Obvious News . From day one of the sewage coup I saw it...

Video: MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai dies as brother leaks information

  "On behalf of Musvo Zimbabwe News , our readers , well wishers and supporters I would like to take this...

Video : Robert Mugabe SABC interview today

  Ex-Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe on SABC today said he never thought new President Emmerson Mnangagwa would turn against him. He...

Video : Mnangagwa fired as Zimbabwe vice president

‪+263‬: Confirmed ED will be booted today. Its not Grace but Madzongwe SHOCKER Ednah madzongwe to be second VP and is present...

Mdc Alliance Mudziri under public attack by party hooligans

Video : MDC-T terrorising their own Mudzuri for meeting Mnangagwa at State house yet ivo they go to parliament :...

Video : Chiwenga on deripidating effects of crymate change

Chikuru kufema as couple is infested with disease     VIDEO

Speak in your mother tongue

0 Pepukai Bhegede and Constantine Chiwenga     There is nothing superior about speaking English. English is an Englishman's language . It is...

Government press release on claimed Chamisa abduction

Government press release on Chamisa abduction by so called zanupf CIO's   ------ ?Whose abduction failed ? Is it Chamisa's abduction that failed...

Video : Said to be Ndebeles beating Shonas in Bulawayo

Video : Said to be Ndebeles beating up Shonas in Bulawayo. "Hatred ine some Ndebele people towards Shonas boggles my mind....