?? Political violence
” Mukore uno muchikuambanira zvimapolitician zvenyu. Scarfmore supporter and most likely a God is in it supporter in yellow ?? . Both Scarfmore and God is in it are in peace in their homes and you are busy kukinditsana. Hamufungi. Both Scarfmore and God is in it are not bothered about you and you are busy kurumana. None of them Scarfmore and God is in it has managed to deal with political violence. It is possible to end political violence even if you are opposition. 20 years opposing chabuda tsakata basa kuita maslogan , kutamba patik tok, kuposter patwitter nekuba mastands. Scarfmorewo idumwa riri kutozvipengerawo wotozwa rimwe benzi richiti vote Zanu ?. Same old idiots and same old lies as we are nearing another cursed year 2023. Sorry maningi . Rimwewo zihule Linda riri kupengerekawo on the other end. What are the elections dates fellow Zimbabweans , I meant to ask .