Chinese nationals said to be clobbering Zambian over girlfriend.

A Zambian national studying in China and only identified as Chabala is battling for his life in a Beijing hospital after he was brutally beaten by that country’s nationals with metal bars after he was accused of having a sexual affair with a Chinese girlfriend to one of the assailants.

Chabala was cornered in a night club on Saturday night after staying with the same girl since Thursday, according to his friends who are living in fear of their lives.
The information has since been communicated to the Zambian embassy in China.

” Kurumwa nechokuchera.Kekekekekeke seka hako wasu .MaAfricans achinyanya kushora akadzi avo.Some nationalities are proud of their men and women no matter what.Kufira muChinese kekekekekeke Inferiority complex yakaoma ” Said sisi Vee