“The BBC has just changed from their biased way of reporting too. Shame
Ndiye mbombombo. Shame .Kunyadzisa kwazvo .Zvinotosiririsa .But vandiri kunyanya kunyarirwa hangu are all those who were now seeing Chiwenga as a hero ..within 5 days he was now a hero .A well known thug and thief for 37 years suddenly became a hero within 5 days. Kuita nekukisa masoja .shame stereki .very soon anonga akumubhura futi.you forget maborder gezi.we need new soldiers too .
I really feel sorry for our nation , our children and future generations .It’s so painful that we lack the most basic reasoning capacity and this explains why our nation is a sewage . Kubangotaura from different angles it never made sense.With the way I hate zanupf and mugabe I would have been on the fore front too even calling for mugabe’s head which I obviously want as well…..but the significant principle that will save our country is ALL zanupf thieves and thugs should go down no matter who they are and no matter how they are now. We need justice not jokes.I actually prayed for Chiwenga’s agenda to fail and I kept on hanging on Mugabe kuti arambirepo to shame Chiwenga and fail his agenda . *When did satan start disciplining satan?* using our army for that matter .
Let him go through the impeachment if he is to go that way ..not to go through terrorism by another terrorist pursuing personal agendas using our army. Now he can go and remove Mugabe without our army .
Musangoende nemhepo. Learn to stop and analyse issues *Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side.*so do not be afraid to stand for what is right even if it means standing alone. ” said sisi Vee.