A must watch fellow Zimbabweans. Shame.Zviri kudiaspora.
The boy was taken into care because he said the mother slapped him. After seeing the bad conditions in the so called care which I guess is hell , the boy ran away and went back home. Now here were are seeing in the video lots of them white police with a court order I guess to take the boy back into care despite the boy resisting but use force to remove him.Looks like they are seeing a black criminal.
They are actually infringing his right to family life Article 8 of their Human Rights Act 1998 .If the care is better than home the boy would not be refusing to go back there I think .He actually prefers being home from the look of things but who cares why he is resisting .Maybe someone is sexually abusing him wherever the care is.They do that a lot here.
I guess it was just the normal usual slappings just to discipline the child and not like the real abuse where children end up with broken ribs .Hapeno.It could be a journey of a thousand miles .
What I know is many African children are being influenced by their friends or teachers to label some minor disciplinings as abuse.
Unfortunately these so called westerners have a very bad impression about black African people. They generally think we are all like wild animals and have no working brains .They are just used to seeing black men bragging about big penises so they think we can’t to anything else valuable other than bragging about big penises.
Well this is how families are being destroyed in diaspora .Shame. It’s like not protecting the children in most cases , but just some overzealous social workers and police typical. ‘Real’ cases of child abuse they ignore but of course in some few cases they do a great job to protect the children.Zvakaoma.
Unfortunately with their rotten moral values in these Western societies chances are the black children will do drugs and sex at a very tender age typical of children in Britain and other Western societies.They don’t seem to realise the importance of moral development . They don’t to realise either that they are the most dangerous child abusers who let children loose to start having sex at 9 years and drink beer .They will tell you that research observed that sex at 9 years is good for the children’s well being…yet it’s child abuse worse than a disciplinary slap.
Unfortunately they think they know better than blacks in all spheres of life because they are white and because their national economies are far much better than ours…yet their nations are severely socially crippled with all kinds of societal ills that even the devil hates being associated with.
I feel sorry for the children growing up in these societies expecially African children. They now think disrespecting parents and the elderly is a way of normal life and doing anything wrong they like in your house is a human right .They will only realise as they mature that it is the sewage system that destroyed them .Unfortunstely it will be too late for some of them who will end up living horrible lives…worse than the family homes they were unplugged from.
Basically theres’ no moral development to talk about here. Zvinosiririsa.I really thank God that my childhood was not shaped here. I feel sorry for all the black children growing up here. Yes they get the this and that but they lose the real qualities that make one a well brought up child. I would rather do with the financially poor well behaved child than the ‘rich’ rascal. ” Said sisi Vee.