Said to be those students at Musvo state university aka Midlands state university as said by blabbermouth.

[09/03 12:10 pm] HRDV Sisi Vee 2: Video: The man is said to be Philathu Leo Nkiwane (pictured)

[09/03, 8:44 am] Sisi Vee: Is it really them MSU students

[09/03, 8:59 am] MC: I think so

[09/03, 9:02 am] MC: Let me check for there names

[09/03, 9:03 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you

[09/03, 9:53 am] MC: Got the guy chete

[09/03, 9:57 am] Sisi Vee: Iiii mashanda thank you so much

[09/03, 9:57 am] Sisi Vee: KuSA?

[09/03, 9:58 am] MC: Anogara ku Byo uyo

[09/03, 9:58 am] Sisi Vee: Really?

[09/03, 9:58 am] MC: That’s his Twitter account

[09/03, 9:59 am] Sisi Vee: Ok but face looks south African or botswana

[09/03, 10:00 am] MC: Ehee thought so too