“Kekekekekekeke seka hako wasu. This is exactly what I mean when I say Zimbabweans are very dump and very stupid. Chibenzi ichi, his womanising son Zororo Makamba succumbed to coronavirus covid 19 and the family wrote a statement complaining about Zimbabwe’s health system etc but zimbwa iri and the family voted for Mnangagwa and come July they are writing statements. Kufa kwemwana wako is because of your July vote zidzoro rinonga horomba yegudo.
Wotozwa rimwe benzi richiti sisi Vee ane utsinye ????. Rinoti maromo anonga shure yegudo riri kumwedzi . Ndokumbirawo whatsapp yaro ndimborituka zimunhu iri pamwe mwana waro afa angamuka ?” Said Sisi Vee