?? Discussion with amuhule Emma Mbiringa ?
She clearly sees it is an email received akunetsa receiver. Chidofo chaicho instead yekunetsa sender
[26/01, 11:48 am] +263 78 : Greetings
[26/01, 11:50 am] +263 78 : I’m Emma Mbiringa l’m shocked to see myself in social media zvichinzi ndiri kudanana nemurume vemunhu
ndokumbirawo kuona evidence yacho yekuti ndiri kudanana nemurume vemkdzi uyu
[26/01, 12:30 pm] +263 78 : Failure to do so will sue for deformation of character because l don’t remember dating someone outside my marriage
[26/01, 4:31 pm] +263 78 : Please clarify to me cz ndarambwa nemurume wangu nditori kumba kwedu want to know cz imba yangu haingaparadzwe nesocial media ndisina kupiwa evidence
[26/01, 5:32 pm] Sisi Vee: Is it me who said uri kudanana nemurume wemunhu
[26/01, 5:33 pm] MZ: Stop sending me nonsense hure iwe and go and sue matinji ako stupeti
[26/01, 5:35 pm] MZ: You are so dumb you actually sent me evidence showing it was an email sent and you write me instead of looking for munhu who is accusing you.
Mahure hamufungi
[26/01, 5:36 pm] MZ: Stupeti you want me clarify what to you nyaya iri pachena kuti this is received information not my information. Shandisa brain kufunga not magaro.
[26/01, 5:36 pm] MZ: It’s good murume wako akuramba hure
? Emma’s marriage on hot rocks over her musvos as her husband writes to MZ
“Siyanai nekutumirana musvo fellow Zimbabweans. Zvinobuda makavarairwa. Delete all your musvo images and videos you took of yourself. If you send someone your musvo please ask the person to delete.Don’t curse anyone with your musvo. We are not white people. In our culture zvinobvisa chimiro zvinonyadzisa.Marriage inopera sekuseka.
[26/01, 5:53 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Hello l am Emma’s husband ndanetsana naye nenyaya yakaiswa on musvo news platform so ndaikumbirawo number dze munhu akakupayi nyaya iyi or evidence yacho yaakakupayi yaarikuti anayo coz mumarriage mangu matone chimoto ndoda kunyatsozivawo kuti zvakafamba sei mukandijekeresawo munenge mabatsira kuti mdinyatsozivawo nyaya yacho coz yatenderera akakutumirayi wacho tipeyiwo machats acho
[26/01, 5:54 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Ndodawo evidence since munayo
[26/01, 6:12 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Ndiri kudakutobatsirwawo nemi not saying ndimi mazviisa but munenge matoisirwawo maemails or mamessages nevanhu vanenge vanenyaya
[26/01, 7:30 pm] MZ: Hello hanzvadzi . Thank you so much for writing me . Ok will only send you the evidence yemusvo yacho BUT not name of source. I dont reveal sources.
[26/01, 7:31 pm] MZ: Ndizvo chaizvo hanzvadzi. Thank you nekunzwisisa. Ehe dzinotosvikawo as news
[26/01, 7:31 pm] MZ: Will send you later today
[26/01, 7:41 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Thanks very much sis vee l do appreciate everything
[26/01, 7:47 pm] MZ: Ok hanzvadzi you are welcome. Will be right back later
[26/01, 7:53 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: OK thanks
[26/01, 9:39 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Musarega kunditumirawo mapics aya emusvo my sister
[26/01, 9:40 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: Ehe and kuzosvika munhu anenge aine evidence yacho yezvirikuitika
[26/01, 10:12 pm] MZ: Ok hanzvadzi I will. Will also send you zvataura mudzimai wenyu. Andinyorera. Then murume aitumirwa musvo andinyorera too
[26/01, 10:37 pm] Musvorologist Emma Husband: OK no problem thanks very much
[26/01, 10:37 pm] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK no problem thanks very much
[26/01, 11:30 pm] MZ: Pachipamwe hanzvadzi.
[26/01, 11:30 pm] MZ: Ambondiitira zvedzungu ndikatsamwa. Azodzikama
[26/01, 11:31 pm] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Pachipamwe sister
[26/01, 11:32 pm] MZ: Am sending you the messages ethe man aitumirwa musvo shortly
[26/01, 11:32 pm] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK
[27/01, 12:07 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Sister u are heaven send ndange ndiri pama1 ndichiitirwa rough munhu achindinyepera ndichitukwa Mwari vaita hake my sister l was doing what it takes to do right in my marriage kuti zviite munhu voita izvi sure apa nharo
[27/01, 12:11 am] MZ: Zvakaoma hanzvadzi. So sad . Havateereri ndinotsiura since 2015 and macases iwaya mazhinji it’s wives vari kuzvibata mumaphone evarume vavo then vorwadziwa . You are welcome hanzvadzi. You are a very polite and understanding person mapudzi anowira kusina hari
[27/01, 12:11 am] MZ: But ari kuti zvakaitika 2016. When did you marry her
[27/01, 12:12 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Sister lam heart broken zvisingaiti
[27/01, 12:13 am] MZ: I hear you hanzvadzi. Zvinorwadza zvekuti. Kungoti ini zvevakadzi who send men their musvos zvinondibhowa zvekuti. Not good for children
[27/01, 12:13 am] MZ: Plus munhu anoita mai rudzii vana vanokura and see these things
[27/01, 12:14 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Mapics aya ndeelast year amwe acho it’s not 2016 ndezve manje manje maita basa sister u are heaven sent l did what it takes for this woman
[27/01, 12:14 am] MZ: Plus munhu anoita mai rudzii vana vanokura and see these things
[27/01, 12:14 am] MZ: Akomana really so sad ?
[27/01, 12:14 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Hazviiti izvi
[27/01, 12:15 am] MZ: Shame. I wish you well hanzvadzi
[27/01, 12:15 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes apa aindinyima fon yake all these while
[27/01, 12:15 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: I am in pain this person was her Ex
[27/01, 12:16 am] MZ: Really. Okaayyy thats why its recent. Im sure ndiyo nyaya yakonzera messy divorce kumhuri yeex
[27/01, 12:17 am] MZ: Chaimunyimira phone chii ndozvaiita cheating so sad
[27/01, 12:17 am] MZ: Source akati icurrent too
[27/01, 12:18 am] MZ: Akazoti Emma akumbira ruregerero akati mavideo chaiwo haachatumiri
[27/01, 12:19 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes zvakadai zvinoitawo here sis izvi apa l was so innocent ndichiita zvese ndirimurima l was doing my level best for my marriage and 2 sons
[27/01, 12:19 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ndonyaya idzodzo dzaivharwa
[27/01, 12:20 am] MZ: Ehe ndidzo. Akomana imi zvinopedza simba. Vanhu havatendi idi
[27/01, 12:20 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes it’s current nema photos aya it’s soon
[27/01, 12:20 am] MZ: Akomana akatowanda mamwe akapfeka hembe full
[27/01, 12:21 am] MZ: Iyo kana language yacho yemachats avo zvinonyadzisa
[27/01, 12:21 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Emma akakumbira ruregererwo to the wife of this man here so Emma aitoisa maVideos akomana ndashorwa zvisingaiti
[27/01, 12:21 am] MZ: Ehe .
[27/01, 12:21 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Taurayi henyu sis izvi ka
[27/01, 12:22 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Aaaa zvakaoma send me as well
[27/01, 12:22 am] MZ: Ehe Akakumbira ruregerero mukadzi akati chiregai kufumura ini ndikarwadziwa ndikafumura
[27/01, 12:23 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Language iyo yandirwadza sis kudaro munhu ari mumba apa ndakachata ndikaendesa munhu ku University akapedza ndonzwayi
[27/01, 12:23 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Aaaaa
[27/01, 12:23 am] MZ: Akomana ere hanzvadzi eish
[27/01, 12:24 am] MZ: You are a very kind and responsible person so sad
[27/01, 12:24 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Eish zvinotorwadza kana dsi ndirini mufunge Aaaaa mavedios nema full pics mukadzi akazotumira here
[27/01, 12:24 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes sis
[27/01, 12:25 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ndarwadziwa kuzviparadzira imba ega kudai
[27/01, 12:25 am] MZ: I think mukadzi akatumira handina kubvunza
[27/01, 12:25 am] MZ: Last week ndaitoposta mugroup kuti musafundise vakadzi
[27/01, 12:26 am] MZ: Vakadzi vemazuvano vasiyana nevekare
[27/01, 12:27 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: So machats nema pics zvamanditumira zviri mumusvo groups here or no
[27/01, 12:27 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK l see
[27/01, 12:27 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Taurai henyu
[27/01, 12:27 am] MZ: Zvirimo ehe since yesterday .
[27/01, 12:27 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Zvatosiyana
[27/01, 12:27 am] MZ: Imi mazonzwa ani nyaya iyi
[27/01, 12:29 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Eish even machats aya nemaphotos ayo here in all groups here
[27/01, 12:30 am] MZ: Ehe . Kungoti it’s too late to delete for everyone. Mai mufundisi vanitaura language yakadaro.
[27/01, 12:32 am] MZ: Kutoshaisha chaiko
[27/01, 12:32 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ini ndatokandirwawo nemunhu ashandisa net1 line abva adeletor andimuziviwo abva ati delete all ndatryer kutresser zvikaramba l will do tress it kuti ndiani l will try to check on my wives phone iye atumirwawo
[27/01, 12:33 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: But l thank God for u creating those groups zviri kubatsira
[27/01, 12:33 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Zvisingaiti
[27/01, 12:36 am] MZ: Ok askana munonzwisisa fani hanzvadzi. Ndinotogara ndichitsiura nekutopopota kuti vanhu vaite hunhu hwakanaka. Vazhinji vari kubatsirikana zvekuti being cheated voona mugroup
[27/01, 12:37 am] MZ: Apa kubvunza vakadzi vacho vanobva vati sisi Vee ndiri kunyeperwa . Vanozonyarara ndavapa evidence
[27/01, 12:44 am] MZ: Morara munyasha hanzvadzi
[27/01, 1:03 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Eish zvakaoma sis
[27/01, 1:03 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Above all may God bless you indeed
[27/01, 1:04 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Same to you
[27/01, 1:09 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Retraction kudii which this guy was saying and zvinokwanisika kuitika here
[27/01, 1:30 am] MZ: Ok retraction was to write a press statement like saying kunyepa hakuna zvakadaro Emma has no musvo she is happily married to her husband etc. It’s kuzama kuchenesa zita remunhu rasvipa
[27/01, 1:31 am] MZ: “the action of withdrawing a statement, accusation, etc., which is now admitted to be erroneous or unjustified…”
[27/01, 1:31 am] MZ: Mazvita hanzvadzi you too????
[27/01, 1:31 am] MZ: Vana varipi hanzvadzi
[27/01, 1:32 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK l do understand it now
[27/01, 1:32 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: You are welcome
[27/01, 1:33 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Varipo ndinayo
[27/01, 1:34 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Iya the source achazvigadzirisa sei and retraction ichaita here pakadai
[27/01, 1:35 am] MZ: Ok
[27/01, 1:36 am] MZ: Source I think ari mushishi yekurambana nemurume.
Retraction haichaitiba plus inoshanda kana zviri zvekunyepa .
[27/01, 1:37 am] MZ: Paya pekuti munhu anonyora kuti it never happened etc
[27/01, 1:38 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK l get the sense now on this
[27/01, 1:38 am] MZ: Yea.
[27/01, 1:38 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Alright but now it’s too late and nyaya iyi is true futi
[27/01, 1:40 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi
[27/01, 1:40 am] MZ: So changosara is to live with it like covid
[27/01, 1:41 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Thanks very much
[27/01, 1:42 am] MZ: Marara ere nhasi hanzvadzi
[27/01, 1:42 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Handina
[27/01, 1:44 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Saka paamboshaisha kutaura Emma uyu pamessage yamanditumira achizo realizer ega paya mazviisa futi mugroup here or not
[27/01, 1:44 am] MZ: Akomana imi . Zamai kurara
[27/01, 1:45 am] MZ: Ehe ndazviisa kuti vanhu vaone kuti we all make mistakes
[27/01, 1:46 am] MZ: Abereki azvizwa ere
[27/01, 1:46 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Hazviraririki considering all of what l was doing ndirikutozama but hope dzaramba plus ange achimboramba but zvabuda
[27/01, 1:46 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK
[27/01, 1:46 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Not yet for now
[27/01, 1:46 am] MZ: Apoka apo. Verengai Bible
[27/01, 1:47 am] MZ: Ok I pray haazvizwi
[27/01, 1:47 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ndizvo sis
[27/01, 1:47 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Thus my prayer as well
[27/01, 1:48 am] MZ: Ehe rinobatsira zvekuti even pakutora decision
[27/01, 1:48 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: You can say that again hazvidi kumhanya
[27/01, 1:49 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi. Zvinoda kudzamisa pfungwa
[27/01, 1:49 am] MZ: Tomutsana kwaedza hanzvadzi
[27/01, 1:50 am] MZ: Chachimbotiwo tseya
[27/01, 1:50 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ndizvo sis
[27/01, 1:50 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Mangwana akanaka l do appreciate everything
[27/01, 1:51 am] MZ: Mazvita . May God be with you zvese nemhuri ??
[27/01, 9:53 am] MZ: Mamuka sei hanzvadzi.I hope I find you well. Kuno tamuka hedu.You were right the affair is current when Emma is married to you . Readers have highlighted it on the chats
[27/01, 10:09 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes it was current
[27/01, 10:10 am] MZ: Akomana so sad. Hanzvadzi ndakutaura satete. Muchero wemusango hauiswi mumba. She is evil and has no conscience and respect of you and her marriage
[27/01, 10:12 am] MZ: She was most likely cheating with other men and she will mostly likely cheat again. Cheaters rarely cheat once. In any case you no longer trust her. A marriage with no trust is like a house built on sand
[27/01, 10:13 am] MZ: You will never have peace of mind because part of the trust is gone
[27/01, 10:14 am] MZ: She admitted as well
[27/01, 10:21 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: My sis l want to thank you for this platform u have created with all the evidence u texted me it helped me a lot for her to be exposed so akamboramba buy when l revealed evidence she told me everything what happened and kuti vange vachidanana ne this guy and now lam in a process of dealing with her and she said this guy akabva amuramba achiti handichadi and thus when this guy was now blackmailling her that ukandiramba nekusandipa mari l will do text these evidence to your husband and social media so it wasn’t the wife who send the information but this guy because ndamuramba. Ari kumira izvi she said is this guy kwete kuti akatora murume vemunhu and l also saw mamessages from my wife threatened by the guy
[27/01, 10:22 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Yes obvious as well lam really down
[27/01, 10:22 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: You can say that again
[27/01, 10:26 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: My sister now asking your favor kuti what is the way forward now to do coz mafreinds requests aave kuuya kufon kwake awanda chiitai kuti mamessages asarambe achienderera mberi and apere muma groups she has been admitted and asked for forgiveness so lam in a process of trying to make my decision on this
[27/01, 10:28 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: As for now and lam happy that the truth is out though its a tough situation on my side ndakutotyira kuti zvichatoenda nrkuvabereki zvikaramba zvichafamba and looking on my 2 innocent children it’s a tough time
[27/01, 10:38 am] MZ: Ok my brother to be honest you have proved and shown me that you are a real gentleman , very polite , understanding , kind . You dont deserve such kind of a woman, she is not worthy to be called a wife. Hanzvadzi if she had cheated only pasina musvo dai ndasiyana nenyaya iyi. She lied to me too kuti kudhara before she got married only to admit today .
[27/01, 10:40 am] MZ: The boyfriend
[27/01, 10:45 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Iam pleading with you my sister don’t put it viral for the sake of me your brother what she did was wrong and she really admit so please don’t put it that way akatadza so will do whatever u want us to do or u want us to pay
[27/01, 10:48 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: This guy is lying my wife told me the whole truth ngaataure chokwadi saka akaramba pin him he thinks he is clever coz my wife has evidence
[27/01, 10:48 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: OK l see
[27/01, 11:00 am] MZ: Ok. They are both heartless. Musamuzwire tsitsi. She will cheat again. Kuzviitisa . She knew what she was doing is wrong. Inyoka
[27/01, 11:05 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Taurai henyu l do understand inguva yakaoma
[27/01, 11:11 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi. Inguva yakaoma ehe ?.It will come to pass hanzvadzi but you need to make the right decision. Always remember that cheating is not a mistake. It is a decision people make.The only mistake is they got caught.
[27/01, 11:13 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: You can say that again l need God to help me on this decision
[27/01, 11:15 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi but dont get carried away as you seek divine guidance. The reality iri pano pasi not kudenga
[27/01, 11:16 am] MZ: Jesu akatengeswa nemunhu aaidya naye
[27/01, 11:19 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Kkkkkk mandinakidza taurayi zvenyu handidi kuzochema futi mangwana this is true
[27/01, 11:19 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Amen
[27/01, 11:25 am] MZ: Kekeke ehe . Chances dzekuzochema futi are very high hanzvadzi. I have so much experience and many examples yesimilar cases. You are very vulnerable mentally as of now so ndiyo time yamunoitwa taken advantage of achikumbira ruregerero and you fall back in same trap. Even hama can mislead you .
[27/01, 11:28 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: You can say that again u are helping me l do appreciate coz I am might rush and forgive ndozochema
[27/01, 11:29 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi
[27/01, 11:30 am] MZ: God will forgive her not you.
[27/01, 11:31 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Taurai henyu coz mandiri hazvibudi it will be a thorn in my flesh
[27/01, 11:34 am] MZ: Exactly hanzvadzi.You are full of wisdom. Hazvifi zvakabuda mamuri it’s human nature it will stick in your brain. Everytime you look at her you will see a cheater….not a wife
[27/01, 11:36 am] Ian Ngonidzashe Mateko Emma Husband: Ehe ndiri kuti ndikavifunga ndorwadziwa
[27/01, 11:38 am] MZ: Ehe thats normal. That pain will never go away especially when you see her again everyday. You need time to heal on your own.
[27/01, 11:39 am] MZ: As it is you are still questioning yourself a lot what you did wrong etc. You did not do anything wrong to her. She is the wrong one she has to lie on the thorny bed she made for herself
[27/01, 11:40 am] MZ: A cheater is never to be trusted
[27/01, 11:41 am] MZ: Dont ask God to help you to forgive her . Ask God to give you the strength to pull through
[27/01, 11:41 am] MZ: …and it will be granted
[27/01, 11:43 am] MZ: Cheating is a bad habit they enjoy doing thats why even vabatwa they cheat again
Emma apologises to MZ
“Zvatii manje marriage is ruined. It’s too late for tears.Says she sent musvos to a boyfriend before she got married. Either way , some men dont want to marry ex musvorologists. I dont know what else to say. I have been warning and advising since 2015 but vanhu havateereri. You are destroying even the moral development of your own children . Human beings are very stupid and short sighted idi.” Said MZ
[26/01, 6:07 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: No I’m saying ndingatosue tt person cz l didn’t do anything wrong not to sue you sorry l think you got it wrong
[26/01, 6:08 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Ndiri kutodawo kutoziva kt chii chiri kuitika sis Vee l’m not attacking you l’m sorry ipapo
[26/01, 7:07 pm] MZ: Hi sisi thank you for realising where you went wrong. I am not sure who sent the information. There are screenshots of your videos too musvo. Do you want me to sent them to you
[26/01, 7:07 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Yes please, l’m truly sorry for the approach l used????
[26/01, 7:08 pm] MZ: No problem at all my sister. Mazvita. Will send you at some point this evening
[26/01, 7:10 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: It’s okay also found the person and is apologising bt have already tarnished me
[26/01, 7:11 pm] MZ: Ok sisi did you send the husband your musvo videos sometime back
[26/01, 7:12 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Once dated him when l was in varsity ndisati ndatomboroorwa bt not zvemanudes bt mapics yes sevanhu vaidanana
[26/01, 7:13 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: And l’m shocked he was still keeping my pics nhai
[26/01, 7:14 pm] MZ: Ok sisi . Lesson is your body is private NEVER reduce yourself to that level . If you dont respect your body no one will. You destroy vana too
[26/01, 7:15 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Very true kwaiva kufunga kwechidiki ndisati ndakura bt l hv learnt my lesson
[26/01, 7:19 pm] MZ: Ok sisi leave it with me will be right back to you later this evening. We all make mistakes
[26/01, 7:20 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Thank you ??
[26/01, 7:22 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Thank you for giving me good advice for sure l have learned
[26/01, 7:24 pm] MZ: You are welcome my sister. Will be right back ?
[26/01, 11:21 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Hayas ndapererwa my sister bt thank you for your love yemaita????
[26/01, 11:29 pm] MZ: Zvakaoma my sister. Taurai henyu. Are you back home zveshuwa
[26/01, 11:30 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Ehe bt we aren’t talking
[26/01, 11:30 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Mazotumira baba mapics here
[26/01, 11:32 pm] MZ: Makavataurira ere pamakaroorwa kuti makambotumira musvo
[26/01, 11:32 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Handina
[26/01, 11:32 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: ???
[26/01, 11:33 pm] MZ: Ok . Maybe dai makanga mataura in advance zvaiita nane. Musvo zim maiiziya ere
[26/01, 11:34 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Ayewa kwete ndainge ndisikaizivi
[26/01, 11:34 pm] MZ: Ok .
[26/01, 11:37 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Saka ndoita sei
[26/01, 11:45 pm] MZ: I think kutongokumbira ruregerero. Mongoti mamistakes eimaturity
[26/01, 11:56 pm] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Ska kumagrps hazvichagadzirike hr
[27/01, 12:05 am] MZ: Aiwa it’s too late
[27/01, 12:30 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: So mavideos and pictures vanhu vari kutovhura
[27/01, 12:37 am] MZ: Ehe
[27/01, 9:57 am] MZ: Mamuka sei my sister. I hope I find you well. Ko pamachats amaiti you want me to divorce first ndiani
[27/01, 9:58 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Good morning my sister
[27/01, 10:00 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: I messed up big time ndiri kutonyara
[27/01, 10:01 am] MZ: Ok my sister. So were you cheating your husband
[27/01, 10:05 am] MZ: Were you cheating your husband my sister
[27/01, 10:06 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: I told my husband the truth
[27/01, 10:06 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: Can l call
[27/01, 10:06 am] Musvorologist Emma Mbiringa: And explain
[27/01, 10:06 am] MZ: You can explain on chat here
? MZ discussion with Emma ex boyfriend who she sent musvos to.
So sad. Inini my worry is children and their moral development. Fungaiwo the harm on children exposing them to vaginas and penises unnecessarily.Well if you don’t want to see your musvos in public DONT shoot images and videos of your musvos .STOP ✋?.
[26/01, 6:21 pm] Emma boyfriend: Hi
[26/01, 6:21 pm] Emma boyfriend: I am calling in response to a post about Emma Mbiringa
[26/01, 6:22 pm] Emma boyfriend: Please can you call me l am the husband of the said ex wife who made up those chats l have just been made aware
[26/01, 6:26 pm] Emma boyfriend: Please can u pull it down
[26/01, 7:05 pm] MZ: Hi hanzvadzi. Pull down what from where
[26/01, 7:07 pm] MZ: There are screenshots of her videos too musvo. Do you want me to send them to you
[26/01, 7:09 pm] Emma boyfriend: Hi sis so my ex wife hacked my laptop these videos were from varisty around 2016 and she then forwarded them to you
[26/01, 7:09 pm] Emma boyfriend: I am not dating this lady she called me crying please help save her home
[26/01, 7:10 pm] MZ: Ok hanzvadzi. Am not sure who sent the stuff ndakangoona muinbox. I hear you , so the musvo videos aya was she sending you before she got married or what
[26/01, 7:11 pm] Emma boyfriend: Yes and l kept them in a folder that l should have deleted
[26/01, 7:13 pm] MZ: Ok hanzvadzi I get you. Lesson is NEVER ask women to send you their musvos. It destroys children’s moral development as well. Be the kind of man you want your father and your son to be
[26/01, 7:15 pm] Emma boyfriend: It was really stupid of me to keep those videos but please my sister lets correct this narrative .I am in the middle of a messy devorce and she is caught mu crossfire she is innocent
[26/01, 7:17 pm] MZ: No the problem is not you keeping the videos , the problem is you asking for a woman’s musvos. You need to respect women’s private parts chionai zvaitika manje. God has his own way of teaching people like you life lessons
[26/01, 7:17 pm] Emma boyfriend: I am at fault l totally agree
[26/01, 7:18 pm] MZ: Zvinonyadzisa zvekuti munhu to be embroiled in nyaya dzemusvo hanzvadzi. Ok leave it with me hanzvadzi. Am chatting with her. Will update you BUT i need something for my time I am using to deal with your issues
[26/01, 7:19 pm] Emma boyfriend: As long as you pull the post down or retract the post l am sure we can work something out
[26/01, 7:20 pm] MZ: The post is as of now only shared on whatsapp only in people’s phones
[26/01, 7:22 pm] Emma boyfriend: At least lets get her out of the way
[26/01, 7:23 pm] MZ: Ok. I hear you . Will be right back to you later this evening
[26/01, 7:24 pm] Emma boyfriend: I wish we can solve this as soon as possible my sister cause apparently munhu atorambwa and l am feeling really bad cause imba yake yaparara
[26/01, 7:26 pm] MZ: Akomana imi so sad idi. Ok will be back to you hanzvadzi later today
[26/01, 7:29 pm] Emma boyfriend: My sister please ?
[26/01, 7:33 pm] MZ: We talk later hanzvadzi.
[26/01, 7:35 pm] Emma boyfriend: Exactly so thats y l want to clarify this issue before l approach the husband cause l owe him an apology
[26/01, 7:35 pm] MZ: Ok hanzvadzi. Munonzwisisa zvekuti. Ok will be right back to you later
[26/01, 7:37 pm] Emma boyfriend: How late is later my sister cause l wanted to apologize to him tonight .
??♀️ On cheating married musvorologist Emma.Married Emma admits she was cheating her husband.
Thank you so much for raising the evidence on the chat to me – As usual I had not seen it
These musvo stories , images , videos I rarely scrutinize so I just saw the dirty words she was saying and didnt even read all the chats.
I have asked her now after you alerted me to it ????.She indirectly admits she was cheating her husband and sending musvo to a boyfriend.What a ruthless idiot. The husband said to me yesterday it is a current relationship and Emma was cheating on him. The boyfriend said they were dating in 2016 before she was married yet this is a current affair and Emma was cheating on her husband.
[27/01, 5:13 am] Feb22: Morning my Sister. I don’t know if you highlighted the part where she said she did this when she was in University, And yet if you look at her conversation she clear states that step one would be to get divorced?
[27/01, 9:51 am] MZ: Good morning my brother thank you so much ????kekeke. Someone just inboxed me again saying the same. I didnt even read the whole chats I just saw up to the dirty words. Real liars they are. Ok
[27/01, 9:54 am] Feb22: ???She contradicted herself. This just goes to show her true character
[27/01, 9:55 am] MZ: Exactly ?? these musvorologists lie a lot . The husband actually said to me it is a current affair while married and had no clue
[27/01, 9:57 am] Feb22: Shame man. It’s a tight one. I go by this principle, I always say to myself that I won’t cheat on my wife, because how would I feel if she did the same to me. I don’t think it’s a nice feeling
[27/01, 9:58 am] MZ: My brother , you are right . Many people dont have empathy
[27/01, 9:59 am]Feb22: It’s a big problem in this country
[27/01, 8:29 am] Gr10 NJ: Hi Tete.
Vanhu ava vanonyepa, vanoda kuzviita vakangwara! This lady was married already when they dated. Check on one of the screenshot of the chats they’re talking of her divorcing for them to be together. And this so-called ex claims the videos and pics were taken from a hacked laptop. How about the chats?? The screenshots?? Their narrative doesn’t make sense. Dai vangobuda havo pachena and admit their misconduct than kutiita maStupeti
[27/01, 8:30 am] Gr10 NJ: How can you “hack a laptop?”
[27/01, 9:45 am] MZ: Hi hanzvadzi. Zvakaoma idi. Great observation ndanga ndisina kutombozvitarisisa . The husband actually said it is current too when married. Zvakaoma idi. Vanonyepa zvekuti vanhu vacho.