Written by Human Rights Defender Viomak

A victim of Patience Domingos and Faith Domingos Nechironga’s facebook group scam ,Mercy Taruvinga who cursed me for exposing Pachedu Zim women in Diaspora Facebook group in August 2015 has approached me for help….. and this is September 2015.

Fellow Zimbabweans this is not a movie.When God is on your side this is what happens .This is how the devil uses people and how God intervenes and puts you on the right side when you stand for truth .God is truth. Weird as it is , I was not shocked when someone who cursed me like a dog approached me for help . I knew one day she will come to me for help.When she approached me I did not ask her about the insults but I went on to cooperate with her .That’s what I do when God intervenes.I thought she was going to apologise but she has not yet apologised.

Pasted below are the insults she gave me on my page in August 2015 when I posted that most recent warning about UK facebook groups : Case in point Pachedu Zim women in Diaspora Facebook group.I posted after some victims approached me for help .As I said in my responses to her I thought she was under a bad spell….. and no one pays me for this .

Attached are 3 images showing how she contacted me for help a few days ago and also supplied me with some important information I had publicly asked for .She is now a victim and is back to the fake human rights defender , a lunatic for help .Imagine after all the cursing below she’s back.Kuita kwaMwari .Wherever she got the lies she mentioned too, only the devil knows.Munhu ndozvaari izvi .This is just one example of the many weird things that happen to me in this job .Am not sure kuti dai muri imi maiita sei but ndotsaona dzebasa racho idzi .Now she wants me to write about people who don’t bring food on my table kuti ndingovanyadzisa …etc. Zvinotoda Mwari kukunda miyedzo yakadai . Here we go .

Mercy Taruvinga
Yea Viomak you re right abt funeral policies.But why zvikadzi izvi zvanyora kuti they are scared of confronting finance team yavo ye group ravo.We all came here to wrk and better out lives and you can’t part ways with money and wotya kubvunza kuti mari irikufamba sei.Kupusa kwakaita sei ikoko or this is just about kuwachisana pa social network .Whoever vakadzi varikuti they are scared of asking abt transparency yemari hamuna kukwana unotya mukadzi akaita sewe uye here in uk hakuna zvaunoitwa so to me its a shit matuzvi excuses ..Why scared of mukadzi anenge iwewe kana uchifunga kuti your money irikudyiwa asi ishumba here Mai Samaz vacho .Women of Zimbabwe stop this Phd Syndrome on social networks coz muchadzingisana mabasa mugotoresana ma pin this is not right at all if you see kuti your money is being squandered pesanisa makumbo ako wakananga kuma offices ana Aviva even AIG iyo and stop lying kuti you are scared of Mai Samaz .Kwete imi vakadzi imi this is all about kuwachisana chete.Panoitwa zvemari panotongonetswa uye munosvibisana mazita nezvinhu zvemahara.Mai Samaz if you are reading my comment here you don’t even have to explain anything to anyone call your all your grp members and give them all the book let them hear from you not here on social network it will not help at all.Sisi Viomak Wasu keep up the good work please tell these women kuti hakuna munhu anofanirwa kutya mumwe mukadzi aneburi pakati pemakumbo just like them .We are all human and hapana Cecil the lion apo so they shld stop saying varikutya uyu mukadzi Mai Samaz
Unlike • Reply • 1 • 18 August at 09:06 • Edited
Hrdv Viomak
Sisi Mercy vanhu vanosiyana.Vamwe vanotya victimisation etc .I guess thats why kutori nemahuman rights defenders and voices of the voiceless.Also dai marespecta vanditaurira ava by refering to them politely.Chawashaisha handisi kuchiona.Asi munoziyana namai Samaz sisi?If so im sure you know kuti wasu haaiti zvekuziyana but I look at issues thats why people come to me .Samas should explain kuti mari iri kufamba sei.Dont give vamwe bad advice sisi.Nyaya dzepublic funds hadzidi kuita chidofo or big headed .
Like • Reply • 18 August at 12:10 •Edited
Mercy Taruvinga
So nhai Sisi Viomak if you re human right defender how come we don’t see you kuma functions anoitwa mu uk and to my surprise l only see the same people ivo vach vamunogara makanyora on your facebook page kuti imbavha .and lm trying to understand you kuti why shld team ye Pachedu come and give a breakdown kwauri iwewe yet you have already tarnished their names on facebook.Let me educate you on the issue about NMC havatore pin zvekumhanya my dear sister they will do their investigations properly ..havatore pin yemunhu zvekumhanya kwete so l can say Yes people can report to Nmc but pin haitorwe pasina nyaya ine evidence .They will take all the statements to both parties first then a proper investigation. Its good kuzomwaya Mazita evanhu after waita investigation yako apo hu human right wako l don’t see it but you are bullying people.

Why cant you have a proper website with your charity number than this to me it looks like cyber bullying .Ndaratidza my boss your page vati uri human right defender wechii you should be arrested ..l work kumusoro and lm not lying that’s what he said ,said he even want to meet you then you can explain more about your human right defending and about Musvo Mupikicha .You can block me but what you are doing its inhuman.I don’t know these people of pachedu but lm juss saying as for me myself .Your way of human right defending is wrong totally wrong .Huya ne human right defending yako kuma Zimbabwean functions tizivane uye toziva kuti you re not a human right defender wekungoda kunyadzisa vanhu pa facebk .You are hiding behind your computer and how silly it is people post things to you just to be spiteful to another human being .
Mercy Taruvinga
You can block me if you want .
Like • Reply • 18 August at 14:43
Hrdv Viomak
Bambo imi .So sad idi.Ibva pano wega muroyi.Handisini ndakakuunza pano .Watondisiririsa shame..Its obvious unotori nemweya yetsvina iri kukutambudza.What I dont understand is why mweya yetsvina iyi neuroyi ichiwandira kuvakadzi. May the holy spirit cleanse you sisi.I know semunhu ane demon rekuroya nemweya weutsinye typical of vakadzi you will not understand but trust me one day kana evil spirit iri pauri yaenda you will remember my words. If you decide to go I wish you well sisi.Dont ever regret what you have said.I understand that vakadzi ndozvavari.Pangoita mukadzi hapashaikwi mweya yetsvina neuroyi.
Like • Reply • 18 August at 16:09 •Edited
Mercy Taruvinga

Viomak iwewe ndiwe chimuroyi uri kuroya masikati machena. you are a psychopath .Human right defender wematuzvi for your infomation wanga uchishaya anokugadzika mudish rine zvipikiri ini ndinokumamisa wanzwa uchataura huhuman right defender hwako mushe even police yati you need help and lm going to hunt you till l found you.Wanyanya .I don’t have much words to say but ndodakukuudza kuti you re not a human right defender you are just a lunatic of a woman who is bitter with life,stop writting about people who don’t bring food on your table. go and get checked ku mental hospital coz l think you re suffering from Biopolar /personal disorder you really need help.Hunhu chaiwo hauna look even your language says it all Human right defender we sewage .People who come to you vanhu vanenge vasingade help yako but to use you kuti unyadzise vanhu.Tarisa nyaya dzako hadzina kana musoro.Mai Mwana kuno hakuzi kuzimbabwe kuno such fuckery you are doing its not allowed.Ini ndaitenga ndoda kuona hu Human right defender hwako .Bring it on and game .Human right defender why were you deported from Canada ? Mukadzi uyu was sucked basa ku Asda after she fought pabasa .dirty woman. Stop fighting with people. .Lunatic .Game on
Reply • Unhide • 18 August at 18:41
Mercy Taruvinga

Block me zvawajairira kuti munhu akakuudza you block them.I have downloaded all your Musvo Mupikicha page nema news paper kako.Want to teach a lesson wangauchiregeredzwa chaizvo.
Like • Reply • 18 August at 18:46
Hrdv Viomak

Shame .Ukaona ndarega kukutuka ndinenge ndatoona kuti une dambudziko and need help not cursing.I will not waste my time blocking you sweetheart . I just hope you will not commit suicide or kill someone because mweya wetsvina neuroyi wauinawo is too much .The anger in you is too much kumunhu asina chaakakutadzira moreso wausingaziyi for that matter . Muchapedza ese mazita emaaccounts kuvhurira Viomak nekungowawata uchishandiswa nemweya wetsvina wauinawo.Uri kutondisiririsa.Seriously .Shame .
Like • Reply • 19 August at 00:22 • Edited


1 screen shot 2 screen shot victim3 screen shot victim write flossy

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