Joshua killed by ZANUPF Mugabe
Joshua killed by ZANUPF Mugabe
poacher 1
Zimbabwe elephant killed by poachers
poacher 2
Zimbabwe elephant killed by poachers

Lest you forget .Mugabe and ZANUPF are poaching us too , so let us not be fooled into believing that only elephants are being poached in Zimbabwe and then allow sewage media to brainwash us as they paint a good picture about Mugabe’s arrested scribes masquerading as journalists. Ihuku yazvidyira mazai ayo. That said , why are these sewage zanupf jurnos not writing the truth about the citizens poaching by their evil master in Zimbabwe ? Nzou ndozadzomurwadza and now you write the truth about nzou.What about your brothers and sisters who are being poached by your evil master? Mazisatan eanhu. Citizens poaching is a criminal offence too that these so called arrested zanupf pen thugs should write about. Not all of us are fools .Journalists my foot .Zvima ZANUPF thugs izvozvi .Now after you are released go and seek asylum in imperialist Britain where other ZANUPF terrorists are being protected and lie to them that Mugabe your master wants to kill you .Satan’s disciples aka Mabasa Sasa ,Brian Chitemba ,Tinashe Farawo.