A South Africa train driver and staunch christian who attends AGS church in Johannesburg is accused of taking advantage of vulnerable church women promising them marriage and other goodies .He is said to have send the images below to unsuspecting Zimbabwe women.When contacted for his comment Hannes denied that he is the one sending his nude images to the women.

Below are his responses after he was contacted for his comment .

29/01/2016, 9:25 pm – HRDV: Hello hello Hannes.My name is HRDV from Zimbabwe .How are you ?

29/01/2016, 9:35 pm – HRDV: Is this Hannes du Bruyn?

29/01/2016, 10:53 pm – Hannes Du Bruyn : Hello yes its me

29/01/2016, 11:30 pm – HRDV: Thank you Hannes.I got some images of private parts said to be yours.

Hannes Du Bruyn: Snd thm
Hannes Du Bruyn : Hello
Hannes Du Bruyn : R u thr?
Hannes Du Bruyn o: Hello
HRDV: Good morning Hannes.Sure I will later in the day.
Hannes Du Bruyn : Ok no problm
Hannes Du Bruyn : Hi
Hannes Du Bruyn : Hud
HRDV: Hello Hannes am slightly busy now will get back to you in the day
Hannes Du Bruyn : Ok
Hannes Du Bruyn : Cn I see hw u look like pls
HRDV: Good afternoon Hannes.Hoping you are having a great day.Am sending you the images now.
HRDV: <Media omitted>
Hannes Du Bruyn : Wow nice whr dd u gt it frm
HRDV: A gentleman in Namibia send them to me he knows I write about such issues.I didnt ask where he got them from.
HRDV: Did you send them to someone?
Hannes Du Bruyn : Well to b honist to u thts not mine
Hannes Du Bruyn : Im a christian ill never send naked pics to anyone
HRDV: Really Hannes?Let me go back to the gentleman.I will be back to you.Thank you so much Hannes for cooperating with me and for your patience.
Hannes Du Bruyn : U welcm
HRDV: Hello Hannes the gentleman said it is you a member of AGS church in Jhb.If its not you its ok I will look for the owner on the internet.
HRDV: <Media omitted>
HRDV: <Media omitted>
HRDV: <Media omitted>
HRDV: <Media omitted>
HRDV: He send more

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