A Musvorologist and woman of the night Ashley Chiwara known as Smosh on whatsapp has ignored calls to leave the avenues.

After HRDV received her case and advised her to be mindful of her sexual behaviour she was cursed .She posts her musvos in bath tubs and sometimes putting them on her whatsapp profile to source for clients.

“Akadzingwa kumba after her parents had had enough of her immoral shenanigans.She’s now surviving on prostitution in the avenues” said a close source.

Her mother keeps crying because of her behaviour.She told her mother to keep off and told her beche nderake .Her mother once collapsed due to excessive psychological stress , a result of Ashley ‘s bad behaviour. She is from Zengeza 4 near Chitungwiza hospital.

She is now staying in the avenues where she pursues her gotsi antics .Her mother is a vendor who was using her hard earned cash to send Ashley to school.Her father is retired.

She passed O levels with flying colours but parents failed to raise money for A levels .She would ‘eat’ the school fees too at one point.She posts her musvos in whatsapp groups to attract men.She also approaches men and sells her legs to them.

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