The video is said to have been shot in Capetown ,Parklands sometime back.

“The half naked girl is called Winnimore Mangidza now in Zimbabwe .The one sitting down calls herself Twinka the princess and is still in Cape town” said a source.

When asked for her comment , Winnie Mangidza denied that she’s the one in the musvo video despiteĀ  her close colleagues confirming that she is the one in the video.

[04/09 4:48 pm] HRDV: Hello sisi Winnie it’s sisi Vee how are you? I have a video here of a woman dancing quarter dressed with another sitting down.The undressed one has been said to be yourself.Are you aware of such a video by any chance?

[05/09 1:35 am] Winnie Mangidza Musvo Video: nop

[05/09 1:37 am] HRDV: Ok sisi thank you so much for your response.

[05/09 1:39 am] Winnie Mangidza Musvo Video: k

Meanwhile Twinka who was working in an internet cafe is said to be now working from bars.

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