@ Sisi Vee “ Hi Wasu.Pane vati ndikupei message iyi.Pane mukadzi arikuzadza Vanhu HIV muno muJoburg.Her name is Mavis Chimwaza.She is spreading it knowingly.She targets our husbands in church.She is a devil in a sheep skin. Anonyepera kunamata.Tibetsereiwo vanhu vapera kuzadzwa.”
Meanwhile a man who once dated Mavis has contacted sisi Vee to confirm that Mavis is for sure HIV positive and spreading the disease knowingly.
[27/10 10:22 pm] Sisi Vee: Ok.so is she positive zviri kutaurwa.
[27/10 10:22 pm] Source: Ehe
[27/10 10:23 pm] Sisi Vee: Musikana mukuru mwana wacho handiti?
[27/10 10:23 pm] Sisi Vee: Dai arega spreading knowingly
[27/10 10:23 pm] Source: Yes.
[27/10 10:23 pm] Sisi Vee: Zvakaoma
[27/10 10:24 pm] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for confirming
[27/10 10:24 pm] Source: She is positive. But ngaarege ku spreader.
[27/10 10:24 pm] Sisi Vee: Ehe it’s really wrong
[27/10 10:25 pm] Source: I suspect kuti ndiye akazadza murume wake.They were our neighbours as well.
[27/10 10:25 pm] Sisi Vee: Zvakaoma.Thank you
[27/10 10:42 pm] Source: You are welcome.The husband died in 2008. Before she was married to him she was in a relationship with Tenda wemabhazi. She was well known in Mutare working for Zesa before moving to Harare. Ngaatsvage varume vari positive kana asingagone kugara asina murume.
Meanwhile sisi Vee contacted Mavis on whatsapp
[27/10 11:10 pm] Sisi Vee: Hello auntie Mavis muri sei? Ndi sisi Vee I write stories so I received the information below about yourself .Is it something you are aware of. Your response will be greatly appreciated
[27/10 11:10 pm] Sisi Vee: @Sisi Vee ” Hi Wasu.Pane vati ndikupei message iyi.Pane mukadzi arikuzadza Vanhu HIV muno muJoburg.Her name is Mavis Chimwaza.She is spreading it knowingly.She targets our husbands in church.She is a devil in a sheep skin. Anonyepera kunamata.Tibetsereiwo vanhu vapera kuzadzwa.”
[28/10 6:36 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Which sis Vee
[28/10 6:37 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Am not aware of this and am shocked my sister.
[28/10 6:38 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Am not even dating here in Johannesburg
[28/10 8:33 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Sis Vee am trying to call u let me know what time can I call u. Am still shocked with your message and whoever is trying to damage my name I don’t know. I would like to speak with you. And thank u for letting me know.
[28/10 10:43 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for your response sisi.Greatly appreciated.l’m sorry I missed your calls.I actually dont have much time for phone talk sisi so we may talk here.I actually have more inside information so I would appreciate it very much if you can just send me your results if it”s lies .I know your family too having been born and bred in Mutare myself.I think that will be the best option sisi.
[28/10 10:45 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Is it possible for me to have names of the people who have given you the story I guess this will be fair on my part.
[28/10 11:00 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: I can’t go and do a test and send to people I don’t know if they know what they r saying is true let them give names period. If they can’t give names there is nothing I can do if u wish to write a story abt the story u hv no tangible evidence the ball is in your hands my sister. I can’t stop u for God knows my heart am nt dating any married man here in Johannesburg and above all am not even dating here joburg. They can call me a devil or whatever names they like it’s up to them my sister. I am not going to loose my joy and peace over people like them. God will judge me if it is true that am spreading sickness. They gave u my number why can’t they contact me if they know for sure that I am destroying their marriages. They hv to face me face to face since they hv my number tell them to contact me for i hv nothing to hide. This is all I can say to you and am not moved by people’s talks not at all. I DON’T EVEN CARE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ARE ALL LIES. Am not a home breaker period.
[28/10 11:42 am] Sisi Vee: So are you saying you are not HIV positive too sisi?
[28/10 11:44 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: May u kindly tell me who you are since you know my full names too and my number and my life and family. Let’s be fair here.
[28/10 11:45 am] Sisi Vee: I am Violet Makunike and be reminded that this issue is about you and not about me sisi
[28/10 11:45 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: The honest truth I came to SA to give my child a better life not to break people’s homes that’s not me. If you want to write the story go ahead I will not stop you and that will not stop me to live my life.
[28/10 11:47 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you sisi.So are the people lying too that you are HIV positive?
[28/10 11:51 am] Mavis Chimwaza HIV: Violet it’s only God will deal with you by publishing stories u hv no tangible evidence. And I don’t even know u as much as u claim to know me. Go ahead Violet the God we serve is not asleep He is watching. Am not going to defend myself from lies and i will not be the first and last person to have their names damaged. One day is one day. I forgive you am not going to let my heart bitter for lies I hv passed that stage. I can’t discuss my personal life with a person I don’t know if they know am HIV positive why didn’t they sent u the evidence. I hv said my own end of conversation with you. Like I said the ball is in your hands Violet. Bye
[28/10 11:57 am] Sisi Vee: I asked you for the evidence sisi which are your results and you refused to show me the evidence so its alright.While I await for God to deal with me I am going to write the story so that the world knows how you are knowingly spreading HIV .Thank you for responding sisi and stop spreading HIV knowingly.