Makulambila high school head Nathaniel Khoza , deputy head Tennyson Moyo and senior teacher accused of sexually abusing school girls as police inspector Ngeta is bribed into silence.
So came the crucial information to sisi Vee
[24/10 3:12 pm] School Abuse Story: Sisi Vee there’s a school in Midlands province where the head and deputy vakunyenga vana vechikoro, mungakwanisa kubatsira kuvatsiura here considering kut they ( head and deputy ) are married
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Hongu vakaroora vane dzimhuri. Details are as follows : Acting Headmaster , Nathaniel Khoza anodanana neform 3 girl anonzi Princess Mabhikwa.Uyezve akambonyenga last year a form 4 girl ainzi Mildred Yolanda Ncube akarambwa ,ndokubva mwana atanga kuudza vamwe.
Phone no dzake idzi 0775475434 .Then kouya acting deputy Headmaster, Tennyson Moyo anodanana neform 4 girl anonzi SHAMILLA SUMMAIDI kubvira ari form 3. Akanyengazve a form 4 girl a newcomer anonzi PRILANCER.Phone number dzake 0773537912.Moyo uyu akanyengazve a form 3 girl anonzi ANCILLIA MPOFU.
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Acting headmaster NATHANIEL KHOZA,PHONE NO 0775475434. Then acting deputy headmaster anonzi Tennyson Moyo.Phone number 0773537912.
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Varume ava vanoshandisa mpfana wechikoro anonzi Godknows Sosono kunyenga vana vechikoro. Mpfana uyu anoziva magames avo ose.vakanyenga musikana wake ndokubva avaudza.Vakamuvhara nemari uye ndokutangidza kuwirirana naye saka mpfana uyu unongoita zvaanoda pachikoro. unorova vamwe chero vasikana pasina zvaanoitwa.
Godknows uyu akazoudzawo Tatenda Kufakunesu. Tatenda uyu izvezvi haana rugare navo. Paholiday vaimunyorera ma SMS threatening kumudzinga chikoro kana akaudza vanhu kuti ivo vanodanana nevana vechikoro.Kupusa kwavo vaimunyorera ma SMS nemaphones avo chaiwo.
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Head anonzi baba Thabelo. Deputy anonzi baba Noma.
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Chokwadi vaizviita vari 3, head,deputy nasenior teacher. Manje youmwe yakadhuuka mwanasikana audza vanhu.Saka the guy akatransfer chopu chopu pamwe nomusikana uyu anga ari form 3 akatransfer. We questioned ourselves kuti sei head asina kumucharger uyu aiva deputy wake.Now zvabuda zvoga kuti vainyenga vana vose saka akakona kumucharger
[24/10 4:01 pm] School Abuse Story: Varume ava vane utsinye.Vanenge vaitobhadhara District Education Officer nokuti umwe wavo akanyenga mwana weForm 3 .
[24/10 4:19 pm] School Abuse Story: Rejoice ,Mhlanga no,0773382892
[24/10 4:19 pm] School Abuse Story: police report yakaitwa report but I suspect kuti mapurisa akapiwa mari
[24/10 4:21 pm] School Abuse Story: Melody Ncube was the clerk pachikoro apa akadzingwa basa ashotesa mari mushure mekunge abirwa safe keys by head and his deputy vakamubira mari.
[24/10 4:22 pm] School Abuse Story: Zvakaonekwa na Godknows uyo wavakazobhadharira exam fee for this year.
[24/10 4:27 pm] School Abuse Story: When I told police kut the head is moving around telling pipo that achauraya munhu , knowing very much kuti ane pfuti yemhuka vakati atyityidzirwa ngaauye knowing very much kuti hapana anotanga due to fear of victimisation.
[24/10 5:34 pm] School Abuse Story: Pane mwana wechikoro ari pama1 , threats from the head and his deputy
[24/10 5:39 pm] School Abuse Story: Exam class pupils ndivo vese ava vakunyengwa nevari kupiwa threats.
[25/10 8:19 pm] School Abuse Story: But definitely something needs to be done before exams get finished
[25/10 8:20 pm] School Abuse Story: Koz evidence yese inobva yaenda
[25/10 8:35 pm] School Abuse Story:
tnx for understanding me
[07/11 9:51 am] School Abuse Story: He pays police this headmaster
[07/11 9:51 am] School Abuse Story: Ryt now they are threatening umwe mwana wechikoro.
[07/11 9:55 am] School Abuse Story: I once gave the leads to Maboleni police officer in charge Ngeta but haana zvaakaita
[07/11 10:01 am] School Abuse Story: I even told him that the head is moving around giving threats to pipo , apa anonzi ane pfuti yemhuka but still mapurisa haana zvaakaita.
[07/11 10:04 am] School Abuse Story: Mukuru we mapurisa uyu Ngeta ari pedyo ne chikoro ichi
[07/11 10:08 am] School Abuse Story: So the school head knows that even if you send police nothing is to happen, he pays them all.
[07/11 12:24 pm] School Abuse Story: I am ready to meet anyone u want
[07/11 12:28 pm] School Abuse Story: At first I had to report this issue at Gweru central who leta gave me one police officer stationed at maboleni, but he was on leave so he gave me the officer in charge
[07/11 12:28 pm] School Abuse Story: 2 days leta oic was seen kumashops with the pipo in question.
Sisi Vee investigating has contacted the accused including the Officer in Charge (oic) inspector Ngeta.
1. The defensive headmaster Nathaniel Khoza has told sisi Vee to ask the police to come for him .
[06/11 7:32 pm] Sisi Vee: A very good evening to you Mr Nathaniel Khoza.I am sisi Vee I write stories .I received information that you are sexually abusing many school children at Mkhulambila high school together with the deputy head Tennyson Moyo. One of the school girls you yourself is said to be sexually abusing among others , the names of which I have is said to be a form 3 girl called Princess Mabhikwa.May you please enlighten me on what is going on.Your response will be greatly appreciated
[07/11 8:58 am] Sisi Vee: Good morning Mr Khoza
[07/11 9:31 am] +263 77 547 5434 Nathaniel Khoza Headmaster: Talk to the person who gave you that information.
[07/11 9:35 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for responding.The person who gave me that information is not the once who is being accused of sexually abusing children.You have to cooperate with me Mr Khoza otherwise I can easily ask police to come there and investigate.
[07/11 9:40 am] +263 77 547 5434 Nathaniel Khoza Headmaster: Tell the police to come.
[07/11 9:40 am] Sisi Vee: Ok thank you so much .I will do so .
2. The deputy headmaster Tennyson Moyo has not yet responded to a message left for him
[06/11 7:39 pm] Sisi Vee: A very good evening to you Mr Tennyson Moyo .I am sisi Vee I write stories .I received information that you are sexually abusing school children at Mkhulambila high school together with the school head Nathaniel Khoza. One of the school girls you yourself is said to be sexually abusing among others , the names of which I have is said to be a form 4 girl called Shamilla Summaidi.May you please enlighten me on what is going on.Your response will be greatly appreciated.
[07/11 9:37 am] Sisi Vee: Good morning Mr Moyo
3. The female teacher Rejoice Rangarirai Mhlanga who is said to be arranging the girls for the abusers had this to say before going silent.
[07/11 10:43 am] Sisi Vee: A very good morning to you Ms Mhlanga.This is sisi Vee I write stories .I received some disturbing information about sexual abuse of school girls at Mkhulambila…by the school head Nathaniel Khoza and the deputy Tennyson Moyo.I have been made to understand that you are an accomplice in the sense that you arrange the girls for the accused abusers. Is this something you are aware of? Your response will be greatly appreciated.
[07/11 11:13 am] +263 77 338 2862 Rejoice Mhlanga: I’m not aware of this but heard someone saying so
[07/11 11:15 am] +263 77 338 2862 Rejoice Mhlanga: One Chigwende sent a message saying so
[07/11 11:36 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for your response .Greatly appreciated.However, do you teach at the said school?
[07/11 12:01 pm] Sisi Vee: Am hoping to receive another response from you whenever you are ready
4. The officer in charge , inspector Ngeta had this to say
[07/11 10:29 am] Sisi Vee: A very good morning to you .Is this Inspector Ngeta, Officer in Charge at Maboleni Police Station.My name is Sisi Vee .I investigate and write stories.I received information that I would like to clarify with Maboleni police station.Your response will be greatly appreciated.
[07/11 11:20 am] +263 77 281 2202 Ngeta Maboleni OIC: Story concerning Wat?
[07/11 11:34 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you for your response.Greatly appreciated.Are you inspector Ngeta?
[07/11 11:42 am] +263 77 281 2202 Ngeta Maboleni OIC: Yah
[07/11 11:43 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you inspector Ngeta.Let me send you the information.
[07/11 11:54 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you for your patience inspector Ngeta.Below is the bottom line of the issues raised.It is claimed a report was made at your police station and you did not do anything for example about the headmaster’s gun threats.
Apart from the gun threats said to have been raised with your office, are you aware of the sexual abuse of school children …by the head Nathaniel Khoza , the deputy Tennyson Moyo and the senior teacher ….going on at the school?
[07/11 12:07 pm] +263 77 281 2202 Ngeta Maboleni OIC: Contact me on Thursday, ryt now out of office and I will verify the story.
[07/11 12:12 pm] Sisi Vee: Ok .I will.Thank you so much.Greatly appreciated.I will do so on Thursday.
[07/11 1:46 pm] Sisi Vee: Good afternoon Inspector Khoza.While we are waiting for Thursday, after sharing your message with the citizen who brought the story he said you are there in the office below .
[07/11 12:23 pm] School Abuse Story: oic Ngeta Is lying.He is around , he was paid .
[07/11 12:24 pm] School Abuse Story: I am ready to meet anyone u want
[07/11 12:28 pm] School Abuse Story: At first I had to report this issue kuGweru central who leta gave me one police officer stationed at maboleni, but he was on leave so he gave me the oic Ngeta.
[07/11 12:28 pm] School Abuse Story: 2 days leta oic was seen at the shops with the pipo in question.
[07/11 1:48 pm] Sisi Vee: So it is said you are around Inspector Khoza so can we please talk and not wait for Thursday.Your understanding will be greatly appreciated.
[07/11 2:31 pm] +263 77 281 2202 Ngeta Maboleni OIC: Then if u believe your contact than me, I’m sorry I don’t take tht. I have never met anyone in respect of this case but already u are taking sides .
[07/11 4:06 pm] Sisi Vee: If you are not around in the office you could have just said it’s not true you are not in the office .It’s not about you judging who I believe or dont believe.It is about you clarifying the issues raised.
Now that you never met anyone pertaining to the issues raised I am kindly asking that you delegate police officers to pursue the allegations raised as a matter of urgency.Your help will be greatly appreciated.
[07/11 4:18 pm] Sisi Vee: There are some people who said they are willing to come and see you concerning the issues raised so that your office can investigate .May you please let me know when they can come and see you.
There was no further response from inspector Ngeta by the time of writing this story. Sisi Vee is now waiting for the appointment confirmation.Meanwhile a good samaritan sourced by sisi Vee and the informer who contacted sisi Vee have agreed to approach inspector Ngeta to purse the issue. Now that inspector Ngeta who claims to be ignorant of the issues raised, is now aware we await to see if an investigation will take place so that the headmaster will see police officers in his office or at his house as promised by sisi Vee.
More to follow