It never ends .Loose men are on the rise carelessly sending their musvos to women too.Before sisi Vee duped a David Ticharwa into sending her his musvos it was probably a very rare occurence in the public domain.

Learning from sisi Vee’s entrapment tactics , sugar mummy took over the vision.Many young male prostitutes who financially abuse older women  in return for sex were named and shamed.

However , some people take longer to learn as shown by how sisi Vee changed her whatsapp profile image and within short she caught many whatsapp trolls.

Kingston Chinhemba was quick to send his musvos after being captivated by  sisi Vee’s so called beauty .He was also quick to arrange a date for sex.What a shame .

[11/17, 05:42] ‪Kingston: wher do u stay

[11/17, 08:29] ‪Kingston‬: Wanna f***k uuu

[11/18, 09:28] Sisi Vee: Aaah why lol

[11/18, 09:29] ‪Kingston‬: Feel **** eish

[11/18, 09:30] Sisi Vee: So how much do I pay you for that

[11/18, 09:31] ‪Kingston‬: Nothing

[11/18, 09:31] ‪Kingston: U dont pay anything

[11/18, 09:32] Sisi Vee: I only do big dicks so do u have one

[11/18, 09:32] ‪Kingston‬: Yes

[11/18, 09:32] ‪Kingston‬: May u send me yo pic

[11/18, 09:32] Sisi Vee: Wats yo name

[11/18, 09:34] ‪Kingston‬: Kingston

[11/18, 09:34] ‪Kingston‬: Wher do u stay

[11/18, 09:34] Sisi Vee: Avondale

[11/18, 09:34] Sisi Vee: Thts not yo real name is it

[11/18, 09:35] ‪Kingston‬: Do ecocash u wil see thats ma real name

[11/18, 09:35] Sisi Vee: Okay

[11/18, 09:35] ‪Kingston‬: Ok so do l hev to pay or we do it

[11/18, 09:36] Sisi Vee: No.I pay instead.

[11/18, 09:36] Sisi Vee: Show me the dick

[11/18, 09:37] ‪Kingston‬: Am in town now at bank

[11/18, 09:38] ‪Kingston: But soon wil be thru

[11/18, 09:38] Sisi Vee: Awww okay

[11/18, 09:38] ‪Kingston‬: So wher do we meet

[11/18, 09:39] ‪Kingston‬: Wher do we do it and wen

[11/18, 09:43] ‪Kingston‬: Hello

[11/18, 10:11] Sisi Vee: We plan ok

[11/18, 10:16] ‪Kingston‬: Sunday is it ok

[11/18, 10:16] ‪Kingston‬: Lodge or my place

[11/18, 10:19] ‪Kingston‬: Babie

[11/18, 10:54] Sisi Vee: But u show m hw big yo dick is

[11/18, 10:54] ‪Kingston‬: Yep soon

[11/18, 10:54] ‪Kingston: May l hev yo pic

[11/18, 12:31] Sisi Vee: Okay so we will exchange nudes

[11/18, 12:32] ‪Kingston‬: Yes

[11/18, 12:33] Sisi Vee: Okay go home n impress m n will send too

[11/18, 12:35] ‪Kingston‬: Ok

[11/18, 13:04] Sisi Vee: Send me yo pic face only

[11/18, 13:09] Sisi Vee: Wow I like yo eyes

[11/18, 13:13] ‪Kingston‬: Now home dick coming

[11/18, 13:17] Sisi Vee: ??????

[11/18, 13:22] ‪Kingston‬: Yo lips yo eyes

[11/18, 13:22] ‪Kingston‬: Wanna kiss u like now

[11/18, 13:59] Sisi Vee: Wow u have packs

[11/18, 14:00] ‪Kingston‬: Babie ikuramba kumira

[11/18, 14:00] Sisi Vee: Ts not clear wany

[11/18, 14:00] ‪Kingston‬: May l hev some nudes

[11/18, 14:00] Sisi Vee: Aaaah inoramba nei

[11/18, 14:01] Sisi Vee: Will send one sezvawaita

[11/18, 14:01] ‪Kingston‬: Taura zvinoita imire

[11/18, 14:02] Sisi Vee: Lol how

[11/18, 14:02] Kingston‬: Babie l did send u four

[11/18, 14:02] Kingston‬: Zviri sexy

[11/18, 14:03] Sisi Vee: Wasenda wakapfeka ka

[11/18, 14:04] Sisi Vee: ???????

[11/18, 14:08] ‪Kingston‬: Well shaved

[11/18, 14:08] Sisi Vee: Hmmm bt haina kumira wany

[11/18, 14:10] ‪Kingston‬: Ehe haina but iwe hausi kuona tsinga chero yakarara

[11/18, 14:10] Sisi: Saka how do I see that ts big

[11/18, 14:11] ‪Kingston‬: Unoinzwa ya mukati

[11/18, 14:12] Sisi Vee: Aaaah u see ur turning me off now

[11/18, 14:12] Kingston‬: Babie but stil u can see its big zvayo

[11/18, 14:13] Sisi Vee: Mmmm I hv my doubts

[11/18, 14:13] Kingston‬: Hona tsinga idzo

[11/18, 14:13] Sisi Vee: Hw can I be impressed then

[11/18, 14:13] ‪Kingston‬: Hahaha ha

[11/18, 14:14] Sisi Vee: If. I had shown u my ass chete would u love it

[11/18, 14:14] ‪Kingston‬: Check da six pack it mean dat its gonna be strong nd long

[11/18, 14:14] Sisi Vee: Many guys got six packs even if they hv small dicks

[11/18, 14:15] Sisi Vee: U ruined the fun

[11/18, 14:15] ‪Kingston‬: Painongomira wil tek some pics

[11/18, 14:15] ‪Kingston‬: Turn me on imire

[11/18, 14:15] Sisi Vee: When is that

[11/18, 14:15] Sisi Vee: Hw why does yo dick take time

[11/18, 14:16] ‪+263 77 435 0795‬: Taura zve sex

[11/18, 14:16] Sisi Vee: Cz I sent u two pix already

[11/18, 14:16] Sisi Vee: Should I send u porn

[11/18, 14:16] ‪Kingston‬: Babie iwewe unongotota here usina kumbobatwa or kuudzwa kuti wanna do doggy newe

[11/18, 14:17] Sisi Vee: Ndototeswa nekuona yakamira ka

[11/18, 14:17] Sisi Vee: It tempts me

[11/18, 14:18] ‪Kingston: So is it going to be a slipover or just during da day hours

[11/18, 14:19] Sisi Vee: Hours

[11/18, 14:19] ‪Kingston: Wats yo favourite sex style

[11/18, 14:19] Sisi Vee: Cowboy n doggy

[11/18, 14:20] ‪Kingston‬: Mai l see yo pusy

[11/18, 14:20] ‪Kingston‬: Do u like kudyiwa yo pusy

[11/18, 14:20] Sisi Vee: I showed u wany ndatopfeeka n left bathroom

[11/18, 14:20] Sisi Vee: Yea I like it

[11/18, 14:21] ‪Kingston‬: Wanted kuona chaiyo painopinda the beans

[11/18, 14:21] ‪Kingston‬: U wanna suck it

[11/18, 14:21] Sisi Vee: Ah I’m using a tab hw will I snap pls I left already

[11/18, 14:22] Sisi Vee: Yes bt how wen I don’t know ts actual size

[11/18, 14:22] ‪Kingston‬: Ok babie

[11/18, 14:22] Kingston: Inomira dont worry

[11/18, 14:23] ‪Kingston‬: Can we do it tomor around 5

[11/18, 14:23] Sisi Vee: I prefer sundays

[11/18, 14:24] ‪Kingston‬: Wat time

[11/18, 14:25] ‪Kingston‬: Any full pics just normal pics

[11/18, 14:43] Sisi Vee: M kinda busy now

[11/18, 14:44] Kingston‬: Ukuitei hako

[11/18, 14:46] ‪Kingston‬: Ndokutumira

[11/18, 14:49] Sisi Vee: Okay send ndione …

…..and the musvos came

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