UPDATE : Fellow Zimbabweans can we please work together to get that Lenon Chamba to a police cell .I have since established that ,
” He stays at 1815 kuWaverly in Kadoma but he is a student at bulawayo Poly doing Diesel plant fitting”
” He could have killed any innocent soul so let’s stop thugs like him by doing the right thing ” Said sisi Vee
” …and then we blame the police for spiking our vehicles. He doesn’t even care about the risk to other road users .Such devils should never be allowed to exist .Next he will kill a family of seven coming from a funeraI.I guess we can get him arrested as the evidence is there.” Said sisi Vee.
Talking to sisi Vee today a source said ” Kadoma Lenon Chamba kufarisa kwaanoita nemota.Ma accidents angaperawo here sisi vee pakadai.
Kutomwa hake castle light achimhanyisa mota kusvika mu200km” .