[18/11 10:11 pm] HRDV Sisi Vee 2: The dam accident

As of now the only definite thing is at the end of it all there was death .This is why I believe in doing my own investigations. Ndinongoti cha cha cha evidence waya nyaya yatopera.

1. Maswera sei sisi Vee. This is Marondera accident paWenimbi dam kana makambonzwa nezvapo. MaStudents epaNyameni high anga apedza kunyora Form 4 kwaakutorana kuenda kunoita party kuWenimbi dam. Zvanzi vazotanga kufarisa vachimhanyisa mota paBridge rinocrosser dam bvaya buda kunowira. Vanga vari 5, one ndiye afiramo vamwe 4 vakabuda
2.Hanzvadzi tht video ine the body being gotten from the dam happened in marondera at winimbe dam the girl nd her frnds were in form 2 they had gone to hve fun while there they started skidding with the car nd it fell off the bridge 3 of her frndz were rescued by a fisherman but she got locked in the car nd it got swept into the dam apa the car was also new belonging to a relative of one of the kids

3.It was on news but that’s wen I was just frim watching soccer will update u.its like they wre driving a Honda fit drunk.one was ontop f the car vanga varimukati hanging thru the windows.they then lost control car veered of the road flew landed on the rocks and into the dam.fishermen close by rescued 2 and cld not locate the 3rd body wch was retreived by the police sub Aqua squad

4 .On Image
[18/11 10:42 pm] HRDV Sisi Vee 2: To musvozimbabwe : Dam accident

1. Emmanuel chitongo aged 20 of1997 shingai Street cherutombo male,

2. Rudo Matiza 16 yrs female of 1492 nyachuru cherutombo,

3. Tadiwanashe govhati 15 yrs male of 4226 muchabvuma cherutombo,

4…. and the deceased Lilian Muhlanganisi 16 yrs of 1424 samoyo street cherutombo