” Shame this is just more like ignorance ….. not knowing the kind of person she is. I doubt if he even made an effort to google her name . If he did and saw what is there and continued to kiss her then they are just birds of the same feather pelamborating at a closer proximity.

One thing I like though about Tatenda is I have never seen her attacking musvozimbabwe news for publishing her ‘news’ or attacking sisi Vee for her views like kamurwere kaya Felistas mai titi . Maybe urwere hwatosvika mubrain .It looks like Tatenda understands very well that once you put yourself out there in public then you become public fodder. The only thing she did was to block me on whatsapp when I contacted her to check on a story involving her name. I think that was very respectful of her to block me not disrespecful but respectful .At times we just have to do the right thing and understand that generally people dont just start talking about us or poke their noses into our affairs unless we put ourselves out there in public.At that point we are to blame for what people say about us. If you don’t want people to say something about you say nothing , do nothing and be nothing ….remain in your private shell .Thank you Tatenda for kutionesawo mapengero ako. Really sad especially when so far away from home ” Said sisi Vee.