Video – Ex soldier bashes 4 students

FOUR Form four pupils at Jonas High School in Seke were forced to roll in the mud, in a river...

Aussie based Spiwe Tsingo terrorising Zimbabwean woman pretending to be her ex husband Fisher...

Aussie based Spiwe Tsingo terrorising Zimbabwesn woman while pretending to be her ex husband Fisher Tendai Ruwiza who is now...

Video :Woman seeking help : Child buttocks burnt by nursery teacher

A Zimbabwean woman , mai Munyengwi said she has tried all she can but to no avail.A nursery school teacher...

Video : An airport in Zimbabwe

The airport conveyor belt should be moving ...zvinotopedza simba ..shame ....really a disgrace . VIDEO

Suicidal Mutare woman dies after jumping onto oncoming train

A Mutare woman Chipo Maunga is said to have thrown herself onto an oncoming train after she had a conflict...

Five killed on the spot as roadblock dodge goes wrong

  Five people died yesterday while several others were injured when a pirating Toyota Granvia was crushed while attempting to turn...

Married Cst Marapira commits suicide after girlfriend dumps him

From a musvozimbabwe whatsapp group member.Unedited .He said he received it from a friend in Masvingo. A police Constable based at...

Bulawayo Nandos collapses critically injuring some people

Information that got to musvozimbabwe says, Some builders were renovating the roof after which the bricks which cover the planks on...
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